This sculpture, brought to light in 2003 during
excavations which involved the Roman area of the
ancient Locri in the Petrara district, represents
the first extraordinary example of a "togatus"
found in the territory of the ancient Municipium and
has led the scholars, for the first time, to assume
the presence on the Locrian territory of sculptors
workshops whose production quality had nothing to
envy to the contemporary workshops in Rome.
The statue, made of marble and dating back to the
first century a.D., is about 2 metres and 30
centimetres high and portrays a man of mature age
wearing a toga.
Such clothing, along with the
severe and authoritative expression of the face, let
us immediately think of a magistratus of the
Municipium or, at least, a major character
honored by the Locrian population to such an extent
as to deserve a sculptural work. |